ROAR Score Reports

Score reports designed with school partners - for use by school leaders, reading specialists, and teachers.

We provide partners with detailed score reports showing where students can use support in specific foundational reading skills. The score reports show this information at the district, school, grade, and individual levels. The classroom-view is in active development and should be available by this spring. These score reports provide a number of insights:
  • At the highest level, they show how many students in each grade level are strong in decoding skills, and how many need support. The score reports provide scores on specific skill domains in terms of a standard score, level of support needed, and nationally-normed percentiles for each student and overall.
  • At the individual level, the report includes a table of all students, and the table can be used for forming small groups for instruction  For instance, you can find all of the students who need extra support in single-word recognition, or automaticity with reading. You can also use it to see an individual student’s specific reading skills.

New Score Reports Coming Winter 2024!
