15  Reliability of ROAR-Word

15.1 Background: Published studies

The first published version of ROAR-Word achieved exceptional alternate form reliability (r=0.95) using fixed forms that were equated based on item response theory (Yeatman et al. 2021). To improve efficiency of ROAR-Word, Ma et al. (2023) built the first, open-source, computer adaptive testing (CAT) algorithm in Javascript, and then ran a series of experiments to study how reliability and efficiency of ROAR-Word could be improved with CAT. Figure 15.1 reproduces a figure from Ma et al. (2023) showing an experiment comparing ROAR-CAT to a standard, non-adaptive testing approach. In this experiment, participants were randomly assigned to complete ROAR-Word with the trial order controlled by either a) jsCAT (solid line) versus b) random item sampling (dotted line). ROAR-CAT achieved the same reliability in roughly 40% fewer trials.

This innovation has now been incorporated into all the ROAR measures to create quick and efficient, adaptive assessments that span broad age ranges.

15.2 Criteria for identifying disengaged participants and flagging unreliable scores

ROAR-Word is designed to be totally automated: instructions and practice trials are narrated by characters, words are read silently, responses are non-verbal, and scoring is done in real time after each response. This makes it child-friendly, eradicates issues related to inter-rater reliability, and makes it possible to efficiently assess a whole school district simultaneously. However, a concern about automated assessments is that without a teacher to individually administer items, monitor, and score responses, some students might disengage and provide data that is not representative of their true ability. One benefit of a lexical decision task is that there is an extensive literature on the expected response time distribution (Balota, Yap, and Cortese 2006; Keuleers, Lacey, and Rastle 2012; Balota et al. 2007). Based on the amount of time it takes signals from the eye to reach the brain, for the visual features to be processed, the word to be recognized, and a motor response to be initiated, extremely fast response times are most likely due to rapid guessing behavior indicative of disengagement from the assessment (Ratcliff, McKoon, and Gomez 2004; Balota, Yap, and Cortese 2006). Our previous publications have validated fast response time as an indicator of participant disengagement (Ma et al. 2023; Yeatman et al. 2021). This effect can be seen in Figure 15.2 which shows a plot of median response time (RT) versus proportion correct for each participant. None of the participants with a median response time less than 450ms (horizontal black line in Figure 15.2) are accurate on ROAR-Word. Since ROAR-Word is run as a computer adaptive test (CAT), All participants should be around 75% correct: item difficulty changes adaptively based on participant responses. Participants that respond very quickly and inaccurately are disengaged and not providing data that is representative of their true ability.

Criteria for flagging unreliable scores

Participants with low accuracy (<65% correct) and a median response time <450ms are flagged in ROAR-Score reports and their data is excluded from analyses. Teachers can choose whether to re-administer ROAR or interpret data cautiously in relation to other data sources and contextual factors.

Figure 15.2: Criteria for identifying disengaged participants and flagging unreliable scores on ROAR-Word. Participants displaying extremely rapid responses performed near chance indicative of disengagement and/or rapid guessing behavior. Black lines indicate the cut off for flagging disengaged participants with unreliable scores.

15.3 Reliability of computer adaptive ROAR-Word

ROAR-Word runs as computer adaptive test based on a Rasch model. The current, default version of ROAR-Word takes about 4 minutes (84 items). More items can be administered for a more precise measure or fewer items can be administered as a quick screener. Table 15.1 reports marginal reliability computed based on data from 10294 students under the IRT model for the standard, 84 item version of ROAR-Word. Reliability (\(\rho_{xx^\prime}\)) is computed based on the estimated variance of \(\hat{\theta}\) relative to the estimated standard error (\(\widehat{SE}(\hat{\theta})^2\)) using Equation 22.1:

\[ \hat{\rho}_{xx^\prime} = \frac{\widehat{VAR}(\hat{\theta})}{\widehat{VAR}(\hat{\theta}) + \widehat{SE}(\hat{\theta})^2}, \tag{15.1}\]

Grade Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 10294
K 0.87 131
1 0.92 1050
2 0.93 1123
3 0.94 572
4 0.94 320
5 0.94 315
6 0.92 1000
7 0.91 846
8 0.92 716
9 0.91 1347
10 0.91 1243
11 0.91 932
12 0.91 699
Table 15.1: Reliability of ROAR-Word by Grade

To ensure that ROAR-Word is a fair and equitable assessment across different demographic groups we also report reliability separately by gender (Table 15.2), eligibility for free and reduced price lunch (Table 15.3), English learner status as designated by the school district (Table 15.4), primary language (Table 15.5), special education (Table 15.6), ethnicity (Table 15.7), and race (Table 15.8)

Gender Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 3733
F 0.94 1800
M 0.94 1933
Table 15.2: Reliability of ROAR-Word by Gender (F=female, M=male)
Free/Reduced Lunch Status Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 1949
Free 0.93 409
Paid 0.94 1390
Reduced 0.93 150
Table 15.3: Reliability of ROAR-Word by FRL (F=Free, P=Paid, R=Reduced)
English Learner Status Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 2368
English Learner 0.95 897
English Only 0.94 1180
Initial Fluent English Proficient 0.94 213
Reclassified Fluent English Proficient 0.93 76
Table 15.4: Reliability of ROAR-Word by EL Status (EL=English Learner, EO=English Only, IFEP=Initial Fluent English Proficient, RFEP=Reclassified Fluent English Proficient)
Primary Language Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 1916
English 0.94 1396
Other 0.92 188
Spanish 0.92 332
Table 15.5: Reliability of ROAR-Word by Primary Language
Special Education Status Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 2046
No 0.95 1874
Yes 0.95 172
Table 15.6: Reliability of ROAR-Word by Special Education Status
Hispanic Ethnicity Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 4246
No 0.94 2580
Yes 0.94 1666
Table 15.7: Reliability of ROAR-Word by Hispanic Ethnicity
Race Empirical Reliability N
All 0.94 3187
Asian 0.94 439
Black or African American 0.93 37
Hispanic 0.94 1666
Multiracial 0.94 249
White 0.95 776
Table 15.8: Reliability of ROAR-Word by Race


Balota, David A, Melvin J Yap, and Michael J Cortese. 2006. “Visual Word Recognition.” In Handbook of Psycholinguistics, 285–375. Elsevier.
Balota, David A, Melvin J Yap, Keith A Hutchison, Michael J Cortese, Brett Kessler, Bjorn Loftis, James H Neely, Douglas L Nelson, Greg B Simpson, and Rebecca Treiman. 2007. “The English Lexicon Project.” Behavior Research Methods 39: 445–59.
Keuleers, Emmanuel, Paula Lacey, and Marc Rastle Kathleen and Brysbaert. 2012. “The British Lexicon Project: Lexical Decision Data for 28,730 Monosyllabic and Disyllabic English Words.” Behavior Research Methods 44 (1): 287–304.
Ma, Wanjing A, Adam Richie-Halford, Klint Burkhardt Amy and Kanopka, Clementine Chou, and Jason D Domingue Benjamin and Yeatman. 2023. ROAR-CAT: Rapid Online Assessment of Reading Ability with Computerized Adaptive Testing.”
Ratcliff, Roger, Gail McKoon, and Pablo Gomez. 2004. “A Diffusion Model Account of the Lexical Decision Task.” Psychological Review 111 (1): 159–82.
Yeatman, Jason D, Kenny An Tang, Maya Donnelly Patrick M and Yablonski, Mahalakshmi Ramamurthy, Iliana I Karipidis, Sendy Caffarra, Megumi E Takada, Klint Kanopka, Michal Ben-Shachar, and Benjamin W Domingue. 2021. “Rapid Online Assessment of Reading Ability.” Scientific Reports 11 (1): 6396.